Standard Weatherization
ACCAP conducts thorough inspections in Armstrong County residences to help reduce heat loss and cut down on energy expenses. Every household undergoes a comprehensive energy audit followed by an informative educational session tailored to enhance energy efficiency. The audit will include a walk-through evaluation, furnace testing and evaluation, blower door infiltration testing, combustion appliance zone testing, etc. The following measures may be performed on a home depending upon the need:
Air infiltration measures
Attic insulation and ventilation
Wall and/or floor insulation
Pipe wrap
Incidental repairs
Electric baseload measures
There is no charge for Weatherization services to the eligible client. The applicant is the client who is the resident of the home. We can weatherize homes of owners and renters.
Eligibility for the program is based entirely upon the income of the applicant, who must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
In order to weatherize a home, it must be dry and free of standing water, mold, or mildew. The home must be free of health and safety issues such as structural damage, animal feces, vermin infestation, excessive hoarding, and broken or open sewers. If any of the above problems are apparent, and/or if the furnace is in need of replacement, the home will be deferred until the problems are resolved.
Some offered programming is exclusive to homeowners.
Crisis Weatherization
ACCAP partners with Armstrong County Assistance Office (CAO) on the emergency repair or replacement of heating units under the Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Clients who are experiencing an emergency due to a heating unit failure must apply at CAO. No applications can be taken at the ACCAP office.
Eligibility guidelines for the 2023-2024 heating season are at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
No furnace can be replaced if there is not an existing furnace or if the home was purchased without a heating unit. Although renters may apply, landlords are required to provide a source of heat for their tenants under the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951. Only heating emergencies with the primary heating unit is eligible to be repaired. There is no charge to the client for these services.