Emergency Housing Services
Housing Assistance Program (HAP)
This program assists those who are facing eviction or who are seeking assistance to move into a rental unit. This program can also assist with emergency motel vouchers for the homeless in Armstrong County. Income guidelines and limits of funding apply.
PHARE Emergency Shelter Program (PHARE)
This program provides temporary shelter to the homeless of Armstrong County. To be eligible, participants must be referred by a partnering agency. Limited funds and time constraints do apply to this particular program.
The partnering agencies include:
Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug & Alcohol Commission (AICDAC)
Children Youth and Family Services (CYF)
Armstrong-Indiana Behavioral and Development Health Program (AIBDHP)
The Armstrong County Jail
The Armstrong County Probation Office
Supportive Services Navigation & Housing Services For Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder Project (SOR)
This program is operated through a partnership of Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission (AICDAC) and Armstrong County Community Action Partnership. This program assists those who are enrolled in a recovery program with housing alternatives, either through a Transitional or Rapid Rehousing service model. Participants must have an Opioid Use Disorder diagnosis and be actively working with the AICDAC. All referrals come from the AICDAC. Time limits and eligibility criteria apply.
Dollar Energy Hardship Program
Participants must be delayed in payments to certain utility companies, and they must apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) at the Department of Public Welfare. Participants must have paid at least $150 in the past three months and have an existing balance greater than $100. All utility companies have their own eligibility rules and criteria, so those seeking assistance should contact the utility offices for more information. These include, but are not limited to, Columbia Gas, Central Electric and PA American Water. After contacting our office, please gather all of the required documentation and call back to schedule an appointment. All required documentation must be present at the time of the appointment.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
This program allows for qualified consumers to receive utility assistance for individuals who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic insecurity. ACCAP is able to assist renters upcoming utility bills to provide financial relief for the consumer.