Food Bank

Food Bank

The Food Bank consists of 17 pantries throughout Armstrong County with the assistance of nearly 150 volunteers. The agency’s food bank department is regularly recruiting and welcoming additional volunteers.

ACCAP receives funding from:

  • The Federal TEFAP (Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program).

  • Feeding America

  • Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank

  • Private contributors

What Does the Armstrong County Community Action Food Bank Do?
For over 20 years, our agency has been providing food for low income, working, and homeless persons residing in Armstrong County through their various programs including SNAP, CSFP, Food Bank, and Emergency Food.

If you require further assistance, please contact our Family Services Manager at 724-548-3408, Ext. 5760

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

This program provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families in need so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.

Households must meet certain income requirements to be eligible for SNAP benefits. SNAP income and resource limits are updated annually. Applications for this program can be made in person or by contacting the agency to apply.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

The CSFP, also known as the “Senior Box” Program exists to improve the health of low-income senior citizens by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA food throughout Pennsylvania.

Participants in the program must be over the age of 60, and whose household income is at or below 130 percent of the U.S. poverty level. Foods that are typically included in the senior box include: non-fat day/shelf-stable fluid milk, juice, oats, ready-to-eat cereal, rice, pasta, dry beans, peanut butter, canned meat, poultry, or fish, as well as canned fruits and vegetables. Applications for this program can be made in person or by contacting the agency to apply.

Emergency Food

The Armstrong County Community Action Food Bank uses funds and donations to constantly stock both dry and refrigerated/frozen items for participants who are in emergent need of food.

The program provides a participant with a box containing a variety of both dry and frozen food items. Participants must pick up the box at the agency’s office themselves and are only eligible to do so once every six months.

How to Donate.

Due to our affiliation with the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank, we are able to purchase food for pennies on the pound. For the Armstrong County Food Bank, $10 in donations can purchase nearly eight times the amount $10 can buy at a local grocery store.

Aside from grant/budgetary food purchased through the agency, donations are also accepted to help stock the agency’s emergency food bank. Currently, our food bank personally picks up extra food that is donated from local grocery stores in the Kittanning area. Some of the food is then distributed to certain local non-profits.

Community members are also welcome to donate food. We request that donated goods are within the expiration date, and that such packages are not already opened. Likewise, donations are only accepted during the agency’s business hours. It is requested that community members give the agency’s food bank department a call before coming to drop off any donations.

Monetary donations can be made out to:
Armstrong County Community Action Agency
C/O Food Bank
326 S. Water St., Suite 1
Kittanning, PA 16201

All donations are tax-deductible.